Instalasi Cinnamon di Fedora 16
Another great project and another great flavor! We’re going to talk about Cinnamon A LOT: Why we’re working on it, what it’s set to achieve, how it works and how you can use, customize, extend, theme and improve it…. so before we get into this, and as it’s nearly Christmas already, let’s start with talking about the name itself. Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. Cinnamon trees are native to South East Asia, and its origin was a mystery to Europeans until the sixteenth century. It looks, smells and tastes fantastic …and it’s also full of history! Bagi yang belum tau apa itu cinnamon bisa langsung liat link diatas. Ini screenshootnya. =) Pertama kali mengetahui cinnamon ini ga tau kenapa saya langsung jatuh cinta melihatnya. Ingin rasanya segera memilikinya. =P hehe. Oke untuk para pengguna distro fedora langsung aja yaa. Buka terminal anda Jadi ...